Tuesday 17 August 2010

Some Grown ups love their jobs

So, dear blog readers, it's story time:

Once upon a time (circa 1994), I had a lovely music teacher who not only told me that we couldn't sing christmas carols because, and I quote: "Hitler was a Christian", she also said that no adult likes his or her job.

The first claim she made was completely and utterly historically inaccurate (http://www.trueorigin.org/hitler01.asp). As it turns out, the second claim was just as mis guided as the first.

See, here's the reason I know that the worst teacher I ever had was wrong about the second claim: I LOVE my job.

I spent the morning knowing exactly what I had to get done, I knew exactly when I had to do it, yet still, there was no rush. I know what I've got to get done but I do it at my own pace. And when that's done, I can move on to the next thing. No more grabbing for phones before they ring more than 2x only to hear some customer on the other end expecting me to appologize for something that I had absolutely nothing to do with.

I don't HAVE to answer to customers about things I know nothing about anymore. I don't have to get my data entry done while also answering those three very important alarms. I'm starting to realize that this is the reason why I went to college. So that I wouldn't HAVE to answer telephones all day, so that I wouldn't HAVE to work weekends.

I can create power points and find pictures of television shows on the internet and write out descriptions of TV shows which make them sound more enticing and exciting than they really are! I know that might sound a bit dull to all of you, but for me, it's AMAZING!

I mean, I still want to persue a career in music and acting however, I'm starting to realize that that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the job I have while I'm reaching for that goal. I'm starting to realize that having a good job doesn't mean I've given up on my dream, it just means I am allowed to like my day job and, lucky for me, I finally do.

So, moral of the story kids: if anyone tells you you're not supposed to like your job, tell them, from me, Hitler was NOT a christian.

Until tomorrow....

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