Tuesday 10 August 2010

Another Guilty Pleasure Post

I hate to disappoint you, dear blog quintet but, really, nothing interesting happened today. I enjoy my job, I'm looking forward to getting a car and I don't think that training school scholarship is comming. Still, life is pretty good right now. And, I'm afraid, as I said the other day, that makes for pretty boring blogging. So, I've stolen an idea from my sister's blog (read it here:sarahbadger.blogspot.com).

I am going to give you, oh lucky blog readers, a top ten list of my most infamous guilty pleasures

1. WE Wedding Sundays- See, it all started when there was nothing else to do on Sunday in Kerrville. My room mate Kathleen and I were bored, so we decided to turn on the WE chanel and Bridezillas happened to be on. It was sort of like a train wreck. Something you know you REALLY shouldn't be watching but you just can't seem to tear your eyes away. After spoiled bratty brides killed our brain cells, we kept the chanel on to watch a flamboyant designer tell brides that everything about their wedding was wrong. This is definately a guilty pleasure, but one I plan on keeping up. How else am I supposed to know what NOT to do when I get married.

2. Andrew Loyd Webber- Call it cheesy, call it unsophisticated, call it music for the masses but when Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman start in on Phantom of the Opera I WILL drop everything and sing. The same goes for most of the songs from Cats, Evita, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat, Jesus Christ Superstar etc... I like Andrew Loyd Webber. And, if that is wrong, I don't think I want to be right.

3. Star Trek- I blame David for this one. I went to London, spent a weekend watching the Orriginal Series at David's house and I never looked back. Now, I am obsessed (and, I think, a little bit in love with yet ANOTHER fictional character: Spock).

4. Stuffed Animals- I still LOVE stuffed animals. At 24 years old I still squee, just a bit, over a cuddly little frog on the shelf of a store. There are stuffed animals I will never give away, they're just too special and too...well...cuddly.

5. Fanfiction- I'll admit it. I occasionally enjoy reading a well written, orriginal fanfiction. I've even been known to write the occasional Lupin/Tonks fic. But really, with no new books out and WB being VERY tight lipped on the movie scene (WHEN, exactly, are we going to get to see the Comic Con footage?), I need to get my Potter fix from somewhere. If that somewhere just happens to be from the slightly ill conceived mind of a teenage Harry Potter fan, well...don't judge me!

6. Romantic Comedies- Like Sarah, I blame my Mom.

7. Cheesey Romantic Duets from movies- Give me Linda Rhonstat and that other guy singing 'If I Never Knew You' from Phocahautas and I will begin happily bawling my eyes out on que. Money back guarentee.

8. Starbucks- I think everyone has a weakness for this chain. Whether they'll admit it or not.

9. Coke Zero- I've said it before, but I'll say it again: Hi, my name is Rachel and I'm a Coke Zeroaholic. I know it's bad for me, and it's probably not aiding my diet progress, but I can't really stop. I think Coke just might be my crack. There should be a reality tv show...

10. Cheese Itz- I can't have a box in the house. It will be gone in 1 to 3 days depending on the size and ammount of time I spend at home in front of the computer. Thus, I try to keep those delicious boxes at bay. But...occasionally, I'll go to the store and it will be there, taunting me, and I've just got to pick one up! Again, don't judge me!

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