Tuesday 3 August 2010

Not so good advice about auditions from a not so good auditioner

I'm getting ready for an Audition on Saturday and, as excited as I am about the opprotunity, I have some concerns. Mostly, just these two big ones. These are:

1. I have to pick out a monolouge. Monolouges and I have a rather turbulant history. See, I don't see the point of them. I don't mean that I don't see the point of having a specific character speak for a prolonged period of time in a play. I mean I don't see the point of forcing an actor to memorize lines out of the context of a play, then stand before four men and speak those lines to an invisible partner in a situation which the auditioners will, most likely, never see the actor in. I mean, since I'm auditioning for a company and not a specific play, I suppose I can understand. Still, I would rather just read from a script with a partner. The auditors would get a much better guage of who I am as an actress.

2. I have a nerve problem. It's not stage fright, really. Because I don't have any problem performing on the stage. I have a problem acting or singing before four people who I know are judging me. I mean, when I'm on stage, I know the people who I'm performing for want to be entertained; they want me to be good and they expect me to be good. They're on my side so to speak. With auditioners, I feel like they're sitting in their big chairs behind that scary table saying: 'We've seen a bunch of good people today, so, what makes you so different?' and, frankly, that scares me.

I suppose I'll have to find a way to reconcile these two things in my mind and learn to set them aside before the audition. It'll help that I've picked a monolouge I like and it won't be too hard to memorize. The nerve problem is slightly more crucial. I think I'll be able to keep myself calm enough so that a life or death fear does not overtake me, as is usually the case in auditions. At least I hope I won't experience that same paralyzing, life or death fear.

Well, that's it from me for today. Not particularly entertaining, I know. But, I can't extend the energy to pretend to be witty everyday, can I? (that was a retorical question). So...until tomorrow... do you have any good audition tips?

1 comment:

  1. What the heck? I wrote HUGE LONG HELPFUL COMMENT yesterday but t appears that blogspot ATE it. Anyway, to summarize what I wrote yesterday:

    *Remember that this is only ONE show and ONE audition. This is not the be-all-end-all of your career. When I get too focused on thinking how one show/company/gig has to be THE ONE, I psyche myself out and suck and am majorly disappointed when I get cut in the first five minutes. Do your best and be the kind of actress and singer you are, not who you think they want you to be. Authenticity will always read better than deceptive performativity.

    *They want you to be good. Casting directors want the best possible group of performers from which to choose. They are hoping you are awesome and perfect for the role so that their job will be easier. That said, they'll also probably be critical, especially if they have their heart set on an ideal kind of person to cast in the role. But you have to remember that they're also looking for the things you do well and that they know what it's like to put yourself out there like that.
