Thursday 5 August 2010

An end to nervous angsting

Guess what? 'What?' I hear the blogosphere echo me. Well, I'll tell you blogosphere. I have a job!

I am now the newest sales assistant for a small, local television station. It's really my first "grown up" job post college, so, I'm extremely excited. Though, as I don't have a car, the bus on Monday should be interesting. I'll have to transfer, which means over an hour of bus time extremely early in the morning.

Still, It's much, much better than not having a job at all. And, I'll get to catch up on my reading while I'm on the bus!

With that in mind I make it my mission in August to provide a literary review of one new book per week this Month. Yes, I plan to read one book each week for the rest of the month. On Friday of each week, I shall give you a literary review of each book. We'll call Friday "book review day". If you think you can come up with something better, leave it in the comments and the three people who read this blog can vote on it. (Only my vote counts for two because I'm the orriginator of this blog so I can basically do whatever I there).

I still don't know if I should have themes for different days or not. Do you think it's a good idea, blogoshpere? We could vote on it, but I'll just do what I want anyway, I always do.

So, until tomorrow, my dear readers...nighty night!

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