Thursday 19 August 2010

A Nice monetary quick fix

So, it turns out that Lance, the PT Cruiser isn't the car for me. We went back to the dealer and, well, let's just say that it wasn't the deal that I thought it was. So, I was on the bus again today.

It's not so bad actually. Especially now that I've downloaded tetris onto my cell phone. I'm getting pretty good at it, actually. Especially now that I've figured out how to rotate the peices. (And, in case you're wondering, yes, I am that pathetic).

Still, despite massive ammounts of time for tetris playing and perfecting, the bus does make me very sleepy as I have to catch the bus at 6:46Am in order to get to work by 8:30.

I really, really, really need a car. Or I need to go to bed earlier, get lots of excercize, cut back on greasy, heavy foods and generally, live a better life. Given the choice between a total life style change and a quick monetary fix...I'll take the quick monetary fix.

So, a new car it is. And hey, maybe when I get one, ten pounds will miraculously fall off of my body and I will be instantly compelled to eat vegetables and make regular trips to the gym. Yes, the right car could change everything.

I'm really tired so, I'm going to say good night.

Good night!

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