Wednesday 25 August 2010

Rachel and the terrible, horrible, no good very bad day

In case you couldn't tell by the blog title, I didn't have the best day. Things aren't going as well as I would like at work. I've made some big mistakes that I shouldn't have made and now I'm sort of in hot watter.

Not to mention I have very little money in my account and, sometime this week, I have to transfer a substantial ammount of money from my account to my Dads for my car. I've been yelled at for the past couple of days and, I've also been running around trying to get things done not to mention it's comming up on a certain time of the month which is never fun for me.

I came home ready to indulge in a full out pitty party when I got on my computer and heard the horrible news: Esther, a nerd fighter and supporter of the Harry Potter alliance passed away this morning at the age of 16.

I didn't know Esther personally; but I've seen her vlogs and I know all about the great work she's done for the Harry Potter alliance. I knew that she was sick but this comes as such a...shock. She was such a wonderful person and so young and here I am whining about my insurance and 'that time of the month'.

I'm healthy, I have a job, my family is perfectly fine right now. Tomorrow I could get hit by a car, my Mother or sister or Father could be diagnosed with cancer. It could end in less than a second. I know you've probably heard that a billion times, but it's another one of those cliche's which is true and, unfortunately, things like this come along to illustrate just how true they are.

One of the things that amazed me about Esther is, she never had pitty parties that I can recall. No, not in one instance in her vlogs do I ever remember her feeling sorry for herself. So, I've decided that now, I'm not going to either.

I can't promise anything but I think, with Esther's help, I can try to turn my perpetually self pittying days behind me. If you know me, you know that not feeling sorry for myself won't be easy, but I can promise to try.

So, I make a vow right now to put this terrible, horrible, no good very bad day behind me. After all, they happen to everyone at some point. Even in Australia (Brownie points to anyone other than Sarah who understands that reference).

1 comment:

  1. Her name is spelled "Esther." And I get to see you tomorrow so NO BAD DAYS!
