Monday 2 August 2010

How to be happy about loosing your job in 10 easy steps (Or, at least keep yourself from self-pitying ice cream binges)

In case the increadibly long title of this blog didn't give you a hint, I've just been fired. So, now I have no car (mine was totalled by an inconsiderate truck which inconsiderately left dangerous debris scattered across the road), no job and my life story I promised to provide you with in this blog will have to suffer a postponement as I've got other things on my mind thanks very much. Sorry about that.

Despite all the apparent suckage my life has suffered recently, I've decided that this whole "loosing of the job" thing is actually a step forward. 'And why is that?' I hear you asking (becoming rather noesy again, aren't we computer friends?). Well, I will tell you in true David Letterman fashion

Rachel's Top Ten Reasons Why Loosing My Job was Actually a Good Thing:

10. I won't have to take the bus anywhere tomorrow: I've been taking the bus to work and back for the past month. It's not terrible, but it's not ideal as it gets me there an hour early. So, I often find myself sitting outside for fifty minutes reading C.S Lewis while cars driving by stare at me as though I were a monkey in a zoo. (Honestly, Texas is so unfriendly to pedestrians. No one looks oddly at people who read outside under trees in New York).

9. I have an excuse to go on Craig's List: I know this isn't much of a reason to be happy, as, really, I could go on Craig's List anytime. However, now, while I'm sitting at my computer for hours, I'm not wasting time on the internet; I'm job hunting! This makes me feel accomplished. Thank you Craig's List. Thank you.

8. More time for BEDA: Until I find a job I'll have more time to barage you with the details of my life (lucky you!)

7. More content for BEDAing: I now have a 'plot', if you will, for my blogging adventures. Most of it will likely be 'Point and laugh at Rachel as she engages in halarious mishaps on the bus on her way to interviews'. I promise to engage in halarious mishaps during my job hunt soely for your enjoyment.

6. I don't have anything (really) tying me to San Antonio anymore: Pending a car, I might actually be able to get out of this city once and for all. I don't have a job here, which means I can start looking for a job anywhere!

5. I can have day hours now!: See, I'd been working the night shift and that doesn't leave much time for auditioning, going out etc... so... nights are free now...

4. I can now have a career: Now there are really no excuses left to stop me from making up resumes, getting headshots taken, vlogging or doing other things to further my career.

3. I can get a job I enjoy!: Ok, it's not that my previous job was terrible. But, I've found that I'm not good at sitting at a job, doing two thousand things at once, while feilding phone calls in which people ask me questions that I don't have the answers to. Is there a job out there where I can just do one thing and I don't have to talk to strangers on a telephone?

2. I can eat at normal hours: Due to night hours, and the fact that I rarely remember to bring dinner to work, I've taken to eating dinner at 11:00 at night. Well, no more!

1. I'll always have Hogwarts: Honestly, this has nothing to do with my job. But, the four days I spent at the Harry Potter Conference will always make me smile and fend off dementor induced late night ice cream binges. To everyone who was at Infinitus, you all make me smile and I miss you so much!

See, despite apperances, loosing my job is actually a good thing...sort of. What thought fends off your dementor induced ice cream binges? Do you have any advice on job hunting? I suppose I will leave you with those burning questions.

Until Tomorrow...


  1. :-( Sorry to hear about your job. You'll find something soon! God has a plan for you and this just means something exciting and new is brewing. . .

    Oh, we got our Hogsmeade postcard today! Thank you so much. It's like happiness in postcard form.

  2. I quit my job right after Infinitus (seriously, the next day) and I am happy about it! Let us job search together in spirit!!

    This is a freaking fantastic blog by the way. Very well written and interesting. Line breaks make all the difference. :D

